


An existing logo that does not have a high resolution digital version?
- illustration & final artwork
- FA formats: small png, large png & pdf
- no corporate guideline booklet
- Typical Turnaround: 2 weeks
- Payment: 100% upfront
As a result, this is perhaps one of the most important investment that you will make for your organisation.
Either you are a startup, or an existing organisation looking for to revitalise the brand, a good logo is something that will make a tangible different to your business.
- conceptualisation, design & final artwork
- max concepts per revision: 3
- max number of revisions: 5
- corporate guideline booklet (PDF)
- FA formats: small png, large png & pdf
- Typical Turnaround: 4 weeks
- Payment: 100% upfront
- $1,000 per additional 5 revisions
- Additional Payment: 100% upfront
But fret not, the Joji Corporate Identity Package covers more than just the traditional corporate identity elements of printed medias like namecards and letterheads.
We went two to three steps further to include corporate identity needs in social media, for presentations, in sales situation and in personnel identities.
- conceptualisation, design & final artwork
- name card design
- letterhead
- envelope
- folder
- rubber inked stamp
- computer desktop wallpaper
- facebook cover photo
- social media cover photo
- social media profile photo
- powerpoint template
- powerpoint introduction deck
(up to 12 slides)
- corporate introduction deck
(A4, PDF, up to 8 pages)
- corporate tee-shirt design
- corporate polo-tee design
- corporate car decal design
- choose up to 8 from the above
- Typical Turnaround: 4 - 8 weeks
- Payment: 100% upfront
In response, Joji had decided to provide Brand Strategy Advisory to clients who are looking to build an organisation with a branding edge over the competition and constantly evolving the identity with synergy across on products and services.
- branding strategy advisor for your business
- up to 16 hrs/mth in-person advisory
- direct phone number access to brand advisor
- daily response to whatsapp & email queries
- provide insights when available
- crafting of brand strategies
- management of design team / vendors
- design services not included
- Retainer Cycle: 1 year
- Payment: 100% upfront
Logo Digitisation
Had an idea or sketch of the logo you want to convert into a professionally digitised logo?
An existing logo that does not have a high resolution digital version?
- illustration & final artwork
- FA formats: small png, large png & pdf
- no corporate guideline booklet
- Typical Turnaround: 2 weeks
- Payment: 100% upfront
Logo Design
Logo is the face of the company. It is what people remember you by and recognise you with.
As a result, this is perhaps one of the most important investment that you will make for your organisation.
Either you are a startup, or an existing organisation looking for to revitalise the brand, a good logo is something that will make a tangible different to your business.
- conceptualisation, design & final artwork
- max concepts per revision: 3
- max number of revisions: 5
- corporate guideline booklet (PDF)
- FA formats: small png, large png & pdf
- Typical Turnaround: 4 weeks
- Payment: 100% upfront
- $1,000 per additional 5 revisions
- Additional Payment: 100% upfront
Corporate Identity Package
from $3,000
Starting a new business is not easy. Starting a new business in the digital age is even more difficult to navigate.
from $3,000
But fret not, the Joji Corporate Identity Package covers more than just the traditional corporate identity elements of printed medias like namecards and letterheads.
We went two to three steps further to include corporate identity needs in social media, for presentations, in sales situation and in personnel identities.
- conceptualisation, design & final artwork
- name card design
- letterhead
- envelope
- folder
- rubber inked stamp
- computer desktop wallpaper
- facebook cover photo
- social media cover photo
- social media profile photo
- powerpoint template
- powerpoint introduction deck
(up to 12 slides)
- corporate introduction deck
(A4, PDF, up to 8 pages)
- corporate tee-shirt design
- corporate polo-tee design
- corporate car decal design
- choose up to 8 from the above
- Typical Turnaround: 4 - 8 weeks
- Payment: 100% upfront
Brand Strategy Advisory
$16,000 / year
Good brand strategists are hard to come by, and when you do meet one, they are usually too expensive to hire in house.
$16,000 / year
In response, Joji had decided to provide Brand Strategy Advisory to clients who are looking to build an organisation with a branding edge over the competition and constantly evolving the identity with synergy across on products and services.
- branding strategy advisor for your business
- up to 16 hrs/mth in-person advisory
- direct phone number access to brand advisor
- daily response to whatsapp & email queries
- provide insights when available
- crafting of brand strategies
- management of design team / vendors
- design services not included
- Retainer Cycle: 1 year
- Payment: 100% upfront